Thursday, December 14, 2006

Australasian Poultry December 2006/January 2007 out now

Pick this volume up at your newsagents or subscribe using the form posted earlier.

Fifi at 4 weeks!

Fifi is growing every day and this photo was taken at the 4 week mark. Queenie looks a bit worse for wear, but she is moulting – her new feathers are growing through now.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Australasian Poultry October/November 2006 out now

Pick this volume up at your newsagents or subscribe using the form posted earlier.

Fifi arrives!

Queenie became very broody during October, so we decided to get her some fertilised eggs to sit on from the Collingwood Children’s Farm. Nothing happened for a few days, but then close to the 21 day mark, two chickens hatched during the night or early morning.

Unfortunately, one chick was dead, but the other one – Fifi was fit and well. This phone is Fifi when she was one day old and staying very close to mum. Fifi is a Faverolle and being raised by a Barnevelder – but don’t tell her!